Tree Hill
Karen & Lucas hza: 1829 Wrightsville Avenue.
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Brooke hza: 2314 Tattersalls Dr
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Dan & Deb hza: Country Club Road baljn laknak, ez egy privt rezidencia.
Dan Scott Motors: Vsrcsarnok ton
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Karen's Cafe: A "Pilot" rszben Karen's Cafe a Port City Java-Downtown @ 300 N. Front Street nev helyen volt. Ksbb kerlt a Front & Grace Streets sarkra.
A foly melletti kosrplya:
Tric (Karen Nightcluba): Front St. & Marsteller St. srakn tallhat.(MSODIK VAD)
Tree Hill Gimi: Red Cross & 2nd Streets. sarkn.
A folyprt (stapart):
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Rachel hza:Privt rezidencia,a Hargrove Bellamy Hz a 1417 Market Street-en tallhat.
![Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting! img1/2082/gattinahouse1qk.png](
epizd:102 "Are You True?"
![Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting! img1/6228/burningboat5sf.png](
epizd:107 "The Search For Something More" Peyton s Brooke ide megy buliba
![Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting! img1/4320/courthouse2xi.png](
epizd:112 "Hanging By A Moment" a sarok ahol Lucas s Keith autbalesetet szenved
![Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting! img1/7715/accident3vw.png](
peyton szobja:mindenki Peytonhoz megy ha baj van s tle krnek tancsot,a szobja tele van plaktozva a rajzaival ott a gpe s persze a hres webkamera.
tengerparti hz : ebben a hzban lakik Dan miutn Deb kidobja otthonrl
A hztetn lv Golf plya:Luke s Haley kzs helye,ahova feljrnak ketten
Haley s Nathan laksa:itt lakik Nathan,majd ksbb Haley is ide kltzik hozz.
Sport plya (Whitey kosr terme):itt folynak le a kosrlabda mrkzsek
Brook laksa:a hamradik vadban Haleyvel fog egytt lakni,ksbb Nathanak s Haleynak adja
Keith szerel helye
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